Edison Jr. High Hosting Parent Night

Dear Current and Future Edison Families:

We have reached that time of the year when we begin the registration process for next year. We will host a virtual parent meeting for incoming 7th and 8th-grade families on Tuesday, March 14th. Incoming 8th graders will meet at 6:00 pm followed by our incoming 7th graders at 6:30 pm. You can join by clicking on the link below or calling the phone number and entering the PIN listed. This session will be recorded and posted on our website:  https://edison.rimsd41.org/

  • Incoming 8th graders joining by computer: https://meet.google.com/szt-iyxx-yzk
  • Joining by Phone: 470-485-9340‬ PIN: ‪755 202 656‬#

  • Incoming 7th graders joining by computer: https://meet.google.com/tdg-kgmx-vys
  • Joining by Phone:  575-323-9015‬ PIN: ‪881 597 613‬#

**Please note:  If your student is enrolled in Special Education courses or English Learner courses, our teachers and case managers will assist in placing your student in the appropriate required courses to meet their needs. We will not specifically  discuss those options at the March 10th meeting.

Five periods of our seven period day are filled with required courses in Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, PE, and Health.  Enrollment in honors math and honors language arts will be determined by teacher recommendation and MAP scores.  


To fill the remaining two class periods, students are able to take two elective courses each semester.  Options include music (band, orchestra, chorus), Art, Exploring Computers, Publications, Project Lead the Way, AVID, and Success courses. For your reference, a description of our electives can be found on our website at: https://edison.rimsd41.org/ .


EJHS has already met with your student. Most students have returned their course selections. If you have discussed the courses with your student and returned the form to your school, you do not have to do anything else.  If your student has not returned the course selection form, you will have until March 17, 2023, to sign up for elective choices in your Skyward account. After our meeting on March 14th, 2023, we will do our best to enroll students in their top choices. However, due to staffing and class size restrictions, we may need to substitute electives. Schedules for the 23-24 school year will be based on the information received by March 17th.


This meeting is only necessary if your student did not return his/her course request form. We look forward to seeing all of our incoming 7th-grade and 8th-grade families (virtually) on March 14th, 2023.