RIMSD#41 offering GED/ESL partnership programs All adults with children attending school in the RIMSD#41 school district qualify to enroll for free.
Jr. High Summer Interest Survey Students can provide input on topics for summer programming for junior high students.
Incoming Edison for 7th & 8th Grade Registration Materials & Meeting Recording COMPLETE ELECTIVE FORM BY FEBRUARY 23RD!-See below for important information and links to materials.
Incoming 8th Grade Elective Requests COMPLETE THIS FORM BY FEBRUARY 23RD!Descriptions of our elective courses can be found on the Edison web site at https://edison.rimsd41.org
Edison Virtual Parent Meeting Monday, February 15th. Incoming 7th graders will meet at 6:00pm while incoming 8th graders will meet at 6:30pm.
RIMSD#41 Virtual Winter Bash & Resource Expo Joins us virtually to learn more about resources and supports for families!
Preliminary Survey for 4th Quarter Learning Opportunities RIMSD is ready to explore moving forward with increasing in-person learning options for students in the 4th quarter but we need parent input!
New Schedule for Meal Distribution Starting on Feb. 8, meal distribution pickup will be on Mondays only.